Corporate Social Investment



Taurus has established its own free of charge, on-site, primary and occupational healthcare clinic for its employees. The clinic allows the company to help manage the impact of HIV and AIDS on its employees, their families as well as the community as a whole. The clinic is managed on by a fully qualified and highly-experienced occupational health nurse and the employees have access to a doctor on a weekly basis.

With the on-site clinic Taurus aims to provide:

  • Primary healthcare and education to its employees to improve their basic health
  • Pro-active in HIV/AIDS education
  • Provide the facility for free voluntary VCT-testing
  • Help with managing and treatment of employees with HIV/AIDS
  • By ensuring that its employees get the required treatment and that they are assisted in managing their health, Taurus manages its absenteeism as well as productivity and therefore its future.



Taurus believes strongly in not only investing in its own people, but also in the community surrounding it. In the last year Taurus has provided financial support to the Mandini Academy, the Mandini Round Table, a non-profit charity organization as well as the Mandini Child Welfare.

Taurus also provides events support to the Mandini Child Welfare and provides stationary to Ikwhezi Children’s Home, a local school for children with mental and physical disability as well as HIV/AIDS orphans.





Taurus, in its strive to improve the overall capability of its employees, provides (since 2006) AET training for its employees. To this end Taurus employed a training facilitator and offers free education to its employees at NQF level 1 in Communication English, and from 2008 also in Numeric ability at the same level.

Taurus is also registered as a training facility with the MAPPPSETA for the training in the trades of Paper Sack Making, Bag Making and Flexographic Printing. It takes 4 years for formal qualifications in these trades and Taurus is currently providing the training for a number of employees, including women in all these trades.